Based on the experience of iLounge’s editors, users moving from original iPad 3G units to iPad 2s with AT&T 3G hardware may experience AT&T service problems. During testing of two AT&T iPad 2 units, iLounge discovered that the unit registered with a prior AT&T data service account refused to activate on AT&T’s network, despite full payment of the company’s $25 service fee using the device. The second unit, registered with a new account and e-mail address, activated almost immediately.
After contacting AT&T, iLounge learned that users who attempt to activate AT&T iPad 2 service using the original iPad’s AT&T account will experience two problems. First, the iPad 2 will not activate. Second, the user will either have to manually swap the Micro-SIM cards between the iPad and iPad 2 units, or AT&T will disable the iPad’s Micro-SIM in order to allow the iPad 2’s Micro-SIM to work.
The AT&T representative claimed that a user who chooses the latter option will have to buy a replacement card should they want to restore 3G service to the older model, as the first Micro-SIM will no longer be usable.
In any case, since AT&T does not appear to be capable of registering multiple iPad and iPad 2 units on a single account, iPad and iPad 2 customers will need to have one email address and account for each iPad they own should they want to enable service on multiple iPads. Users experiencing problems with AT&T iPad service should contact 1-800-331-0500, also available as a free call to AT&T cellular customers by dialing 611.