Brazilian ice cream company Kibon has announced a promotion in which it will give away 10,000 iPod shuffles, hidden away inside “propsicles.” “It works like this: the consumer buys an Fruttare popsicle which comes in 10 different fruit flavors,” Mentor Muniz Neto, creative director for Bullet Brazil, said, “and may find an iPod Shuffle inside the package.” When faced with the challenge of hiding the prizes, the company worked with Apple to design a fake popsicle that looks like the real thing, but safely holds the shuffle inside, even in freezing temperatures. “We developed a special prototype that emulates the real ice cream;” Neto says, “it protects the iPod from humidity, and it feels like the real ice cream.
It is virtually impossible to fell the difference without opening the package.” In addition to the shuffle, winning packages also include an 800 number and a code, which can be used to obtain the shuffle’s Dock and manual. Kibon’s “iPod no palito” promotion will start on December 18.