Brigid Alverson of the Melrose Free Press has written an article about John Cameron, a computer crimes detective in Melrose, Virginia who’s done everything from impersonating a 14-year-old girl online, capturing computer con artists, and stopping credit card fraud.
“Every department has a couple of cases they are working on,” he said. In one case, the winning bid for a new Apple iPod was $200, far less than the list price.
The deal was too good to be true: The seller used a stolen credit card to buy the Ipod directly from Apple and had it shipped to the buyer, Cameron said. “It comes back as a stolen credit card, he walks away with $200 cash, and the credit-card company gets stiffed for the $400 or $500 dollars it costs for the iPod,” Cameron said.”
There is also an active thread in the forums about eBay auctions gone bad.