According to the results of the latest ChangeWave smartphone survey, the iPhone’s market share jumped 6 points between September and December to 23%. RIM’s Blackberry phones continue to lead the market, although their market share dropped one point to 41%.
For the first time since January’s survey, a higher percentage of respondents planning to purchase a smartphone in the next 90 days said they would buy a Blackberry instead of an iPhone, with 39% stating they planned to buy a RIM device compared to 30% who plan to purchase Apple’s smartphone. Interestingly, the survey also found initial consumer satisfaction ratings for Blackberry’s touchscreen-based iPhone rival Storm to be well below those of the original iPhone, or even the average for all Blackberry users.
33% of respondents said they were “very satisfied” with the Storm, compared to 77% for owners of the original iPhone, and 52% for all Blackberry users. ChangeWave’s survey was conducted on December 9-15 and included roughly 3,800 cell phone owners.