With over 3,800 votes from iLounge readers, our most recent poll—“Which one of the following devices is your primary computer now?”—has ended. Readers could pick from Mac or PC desktops or laptops, as well as the iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, or some other device.
Mac laptops led the pack of responses, with 28 percent of readers saying they were on some model of MacBook.
Somewhat surprisingly—and definitely indicative of the impact Apple’s tablet is having on the marketplace—26 percent of readers said the iPad was now their primary computer. 54 percent of those said the iPad has overtaken their Mac as their primary computer, 42 percent said the same of their PC, and roughly four percent said their iPad was their only computer. 17 percent said they primarily use a Mac desktop, 12 percent of people said they primarily use a PC laptop for their computing needs—the same percentage that said they primarily use a PC desktop—followed by three percent who said they use an iPhone or other smartphone, one percent who said they rely on an iPod touch, and one percent who said they rely on some other computing device.
Only 15 readers said they didn’t own a computer. Thanks for all your responses!
Our new poll focuses on the iPod touch. Given the increasing number of $200, 7-inch tablets on the market—most notably from Google and Amazon—we’d like to know what you think Apple should do with the iPod touch to stay competitive.