A recent survey conducted on behalf of DirecTV suggests the company is exploring the possibility of allowing NFL Sunday Ticket subscribers to access programming from their Apple TVs.
Alongside traditional and Red Zone Channel-only offerings, an image from the survey, published by Engadget, also touted a potential digital-only Sunday Ticket option, that would allow for viewing games on a tablet, such as the iPad, on a smartphone, such as an iPhone, or on a TV connected to an Internet-connected Blu-ray player, game machine, Apple TV, Boxee Box, or Roku player.
The company currently offers separate Sunday Ticket apps for the iPhone + iPod touch and the iPad which allow subscribers to watch games over Wi-Fi or 3G; it is unclear, given the Apple TV’s current lack of apps, whether such an offering would be tied to new app capabilities for the device or if it would appear in the device’s menu system, a la Netflix.