With over 1,400 votes from iLounge readers, our latest poll – “If Apple includes a fingerprint scanner in the next iPhone, will you use it?” – has now ended. With rumours of a built-in fingerprint sensor in the next-generation iPhone, we asked readers to let us know if they considered this a feature that they would actually find useful in a new device. Readers were asked whether they would use a fingerprint scanner for device unlocking, secure transactions, or both, or whether they had no interest in a fingerprint scanning feature regardless of whether they otherwise planned to buy the new iPhone or not.
The overall majority of responses—fifty-two percent—indicated that they would be willing to use the fingerprint scanner for both device unlocking and secure transactions. Seventeen percent indicated that they would use a fingerprint scanner only for device unlocking, while three percent felt it was only appropriate for secure transactions. Seventeen percent of respondents told us that they didn’t plan on buying the next-generation iPhone regardless of the fingerprint scanner, while twelve percent indicated that they planned to buy the next-generation iPhone, but had no interest in fingerprint scanning capability.
Following the announcement of not one, but two new iPhone models this week, we’d like to know whether you’re planning on upgrading your current mobile phone to either of the two new models, and which one. Are you an iPhone 5 user who is jumping on the 5s right away, or are you using an older model such that the iPhone 5c or iPhone 5s are your next big upgrade from two or three years ago? Have the new models perhaps convinced you to purchase your first iPhone, are you unimpressed with the new models and looking elsewhere, or are you simply happy with your current iPhone model and not looking to upgrade at all. Our latest poll “Do you plan to purchase one of the new iPhone models this year?” lets you have your say.