For this week’s peek at the iLounge Discussion Forums, we’ve picked a few topics that range from helpful to optimistic to snarky. Join these discussions (and thousands more) by checking out the links below.
Many comments were inspired by a user who said that he couldn’t get his iPod to turn off.
In “For the Love of God, I Can’t Turn off my IPOD!,” reader n19htmare worked through obvious solutions before ultimately opening, photographing, and (sort of) fixing his video-screened iPod. The problem wasn’t what people were expecting. Also: can you offer tips to this iLounger whose nano appears to be frozen?
In our iPod Cases forum, readers continue to discuss and debate their favorite full-sized iPod cases and covers.
Judging from the posts, readers seem to love InvisibleShields and Belkin’s recent Brushed Metal cases for iPods. What do you think?
What do you wish could be done with future iPods? That’s the question posted by one iLounge reader. Answers so far range from a miniature camera to optical audio output and user-expandable memory.