Griffin and Crayola have announced a new lineup of co-branded headphones and cases. Debuted at the 2012 CES, the MyPhones volume-limited headphones and earphones are capped at a peak volume of 85 dB or lower—the maximum level recommended by a variety of auditory health organizations.
The over-ear headphones come in two color combinations—pink/purple and blue/green—and come with stickers and markers for customization. They are priced at $25, while the earbuds feature Crayola’s crayon wrapper design, come with their own crayon-shaped carrying case, include three sizes of silicone ear cushions, and come in purple, pink, green, and blue, with pricing set at $15.
The new cases include the Color Clickers and Crayon Classics cases for the fourth-generation iPod touch. Color Clickers combine a polycarbonate shell with 28 interchangeable color stripes, giving users a variety of customization options, while the Crayon Classics resemble Crayola’s crayon wrappers, and available in purple, pink, green, red, and blue.