Two nights ago I left my iPod in a cab. I hailed it at 3:00 AM after working an 18 hour day of lifting and moving. I put the iPod down to take my wallet out and forgot to pick it up. I didn’t take notice of the cab company (there are at least 12 companies in Toronto).
I called a few of the majors up and left a description, but I am not optimistic.
I just want people to understand that they need to label their iPods. I had looked into various services of pre-made stickers with serial numbers or having it engraved but I never got around to it. Even if someone found it and wanted to return it they couldn’t.
I bought the 10GB model in August 2002 and I can honestly say that I have used it almost every single day. My next paycheque is going to be dedicated to buying a new 10GB model, but I wish it didn’t have to come to that. I can’t afford the 15 or 30GB models, but I eventually plan on buying the dock and remote.
Please people, even if it’s an ugly sticker with your email address on it, please label your iPod.