After a successful upgrade yesterday evening, iLounge’s Discussion Forums today have a new look, new topics, and new features. Faster and easier to use than ever before, the Forums now benefit from expanded search capabilities, more efficient layout, and other design tweaks.
You’ll notice that some forums have been merged to help you get the answers you need as quickly as possible. The old “Problems and Solutions” forums have now been combined with “General Discussion” to produce “iPod Discussion, Problems, and Solutions.” Other, similar tweaks have been made elsewhere as well.
You’ll also find it easier to locate a forum for your specific iPod model. All older iPod models have now been combined into one forum called “Discontinued iPods,” with sub-forums for “iPod (Color/Photo)” for discussion about all 4G iPods with color screens, the “iPod (Monochrome)” for all posts regarding older, black-and-white screened iPods, and of course the “iPod mini” forum.