Unless Time, Newsweek, USA Today or the Wall Street Journal has one of those mysterious sneak leaks tonight, the first time you’ll see the new flash memory-based iPod will be in coverage tomorrow from the Macworld Expo in San Franciasco. Invariably, positive (or at least not negative) press can be expected from whomever receives the official advance “exclusive” look at a new Apple product, and – no surprise – it won’t be iLounge. We’ll link to the story, but won’t be first on it.
As an independent resource for iPod owners and prospective owners, iLounge has been committed to providing accurate and objective information on the platform since the 2001 release of the first iPod.
We’ve seen almost everything that Apple and various third-parties have released, offered opinions on it, and always left all of our reviews and news articles open to very visible comment from you, our readers. Our news, reviews, and articles are the core of the main iLounge web site (leaving our forums and galleries aside), but as those comments sections and our ever-growing forums and galleries strongly indicate, we hear – and care – what you say. You – our community – is what sets iLounge apart from so many other sites.
Regardless of what is announced at the Expo tomorrow, we promise that we’ll provide an honest and objective editorial perspective to you, our readers, comprised of the opinions rendered by multiple iLounge editors on the news of the day.
Even if we’re not first on a story, you can trust that we’ll offer a well-informed take on it. And then, as always, it will be up to you to comment and decide whether you like what you’ve seen.
We’re really looking forward to the Expo, and hope that you’ll follow and enjoy iLounge’s coverage in the days to come – even if our servers are overwhelmed by the attention. As always, we’ll be watching your comments and taking them to heart.