With over 2,100 votes from iLounge readers, our most recent poll—“Did the iOS 5.0.1 update fix anything for you?”—has ended. Readers were given various options to indicate that the update helped with battery life and/or AirPlay issues, didn’t fix their issues, made things worse, or to say that they either didn’t have any issues to begin with or didn’t have an iOS 5-capable device.
A large number of readers—42 percent—said they didn’t have any issues to fix, followed by 22 percent who said the update didn’t fix their issues.
While 10 percent of readers said the update fixed their battery life issues, another 10 percent said it made their issues worse, and yet another 10 percent said they don’t own a device capable of running iOS 5.0.1. Finally, four percent said the update fixed both battery and AirPlay issues, while only one percent said the update fixed their AirPlay streaming issues only. Thanks for all your votes!
Our new poll focuses on this season’s holiday gifts.
We’d like to know: what was your favorite Apple product you received as a gift this season? Was it an iPad, or maybe an iPhone or iPod? Or was it an Apple TV, or perhaps even a Mac? Our new poll, “What was your favorite holiday Apple gift?” lets you answer that question. As always, you can find the iLounge Poll on the left-hand column of the main iLounge.com home page.