Following yesterday’s official release of iOS 6, users all over the globe have continued to register complaints about Apple’s new Maps application, the first in five years to discontinue use of maps and points of interest databases assembled by Google. As noted by iLounge editors, Maps now fails to properly route users to the nearest possible correct results, instead making seemingly random or logically tortured guesses as to which “Main Street” is being searched for, offering directions to Australia rather than America, and sometimes presents disfigured 2-D and 3-D renderings of cities.
Amongst additional issues spotted by various publications: AppleInsider mentions that a search for “Columbia, SC” brings users to Santiago De Cali, a city in Colombia; the BBC reports on missing British towns and incorrect locations, the Irish Times notes the potential dangers of an incorrectly placed airfield in Dublin; and NorthScotNews of Scotland claims Apple has sent “the Highlands back to the dark ages” with black-and-white satellite imagery. A sarcastic Tumblr page titled The Amazing iOS 6 Maps documents more follies of Maps, including aerial photography interrupted by clouds and inaccurate directions.