With almost 1300 votes from iLounge readers, our latest recent poll—“How should iOS 7 look?”—has now ended. Following rumours about the work being done by Jony Ive on polishing iOS 7, we asked readers to let us know what they should think the next major iOS release should look like.
Responses were somewhat evenly split between the three options, with forty-three percent of respondents indicating that they wanted to a see more exciting and eye-popping design while thirty-four percent said they preferred a simpler and flatter design throughout the entire UI. The remaining twenty-five percent indicated they were fine with the current UI design, and simply want to see new features in the next major update.
In light of the recent launch of the iPhone 5 on T-Mobile, this week we’re wondering what is most important to you when choosing an iPhone carrier.
Is it financial factors like monthly price plan, contract requirements or hardware subsidies, or do you look more to technical issues like coverage area and cellular data speeds? What about factors such as customer service or current and future hardware upgrade eligibility options? Or are you simply happy enough with your current carrier that you aren’t really interested in shopping around? Our latest poll “What’s most important to you when choosing an iPhone carrier?” lets you have your say. As always, you can find the iLounge Poll in the left-hand column of the main iLounge.com homepage.