iOS commands an impressive share of the mobile phone operating system market in Europe, according to a new report. Citing data from, Pocket-link reports that iOS enjoys a 44.95 percent market share in Europe, more than double that of Android, which accounts for 16.37 percent.
iOS has actually seen its share decline year-over-year, however, as it held a 50.44 percent share of the market in January 2010. Interestingly, the UK has a dramatically higher proportion of BlackBerry users than other European countries, with BlackBerry OS holding a 36.22 percent of the market, compared to 16.78 for Europe as a whole; iOS still holds the market lead in the country with a 42.02 percent share.
Pocket-link claims the stats are current, and representative of ownership up to the end of January 2011. [via MDN]