Apple officially launched the iPad in South Africa over the weekend. According to a MyBroadband report, Core Group, an official distributor of Apple products, launched the iPad in various iStore, Incredible Connection, and Dion Wired stores.
Pricing for the iPad with Wi-Fi starts at R4,399 (roughly $615) for the 16GB model and goes to R6,399 (~$895) for the 64GB version, while iPad 3G units run from R5,599 (~$784) for the 16GB model to R7,599 (~$1,063) for the 64GB version. Notably, these prices represent substantial discounts over the prices being charged by importers, who were charging R6,500 and up for 16GB Wi-Fi models all the way to R9,500 and up for 64GB iPad 3G units.