In the wake of Apple’s unveiling yesterday of the iPad mini, more companies are announcing cases for the 7.9” tablet, including Incipio, Cygnett, iFrogz, and Booq. Incipio has introduced four cases: the hard shell Lexington ($40), the thin snap-on Feather ($35), the NGP ($35), and the hard shell LGND ($35). All cases are either available for pre-order or listed as coming soon.
Cygnett introduced five cases: the flexible folding Enigma ($40), the extra-protective Armour ($40), and the soft-feel FlexiGel ($20) are all said to be in stock now, with the shock-absorbing Workmate ($40) and impact-resistant Vector ($20) planned for availability on Oct. 31.
Proporta has introduced iPad mini five cases: the Swivel 360 ($34) with its rotating stand, the Leather Style Folio ($34), the Leather Style with Aluminum Lining ($40), and the Back Shell ($27), all shipping Nov.
5, along with the now-available Quiksilver Neoprene Blue Checks ($20). iFrogz has also announced two cases, the textured Breeze ($30) and the folding Merge ($50). For more iPad mini cases, see Tuesday’s case roundup.