With more than 3,100 votes from iLounge readers, our latest poll—“Will you be purchasing an iPhone 3GS?”—has ended. iPhone 3G and iPhone users had separate positive response options, as did those planning to purchase the iPhone 3GS for whom the new model will be their first iPhone or iPod touch. Reasons against buying included upgrade pricing, displeasure with the local carrier, happiness with the original iPhone, and lack of appeal.
Amazingly, 58% of all respondents said that they were planning to purchase the new model. Nearly a quarter of respondents—24%—said they planned to purchase an iPhone 3GS as their first iPhone or iPod touch, followed by 19% of readers who said they weren’t upgrading their iPhone or iPhone 3G because the pricing is too expensive. 18% of readers said they would be upgrading from an original iPhone to the 3GS, with another 16% planning to upgrade from the iPhone 3G.
10% of readers said they were skipping the 3GS because they don’t care for the device’s carrier in their region, 8% said they weren’t upgrading because they were happy with their original iPhones, and 6% said they weren’t purchasing an iPhone 3GS because it didn’t appeal to them. Thanks for all your responses!
Our new poll focuses on the iPod classic. We’d like to know if you think Apple should update its longest-running iPod model, the iPod classic.