With over 3,800 votes from iLounge readers, our latest poll—“Has the iPhone 4 snafu changed your opinion of Apple or AT&T?” has ended. Readers could choose to say the problems either positively or negatively affected their opinion of AT&T, Apple, or both companies, with other options for those whose opinion hadn’t changed, or who didn’t have an opinion at all.
Somewhat surprisingly, 38% of readers said their opinion of the two companies hadn’t been swayed by the problems with iPhone 4 pre-orders, followed by 21% each who either lost respect for AT&T or lost respect for both AT&T and Apple.
5% said they lost respect for Apple but not AT&T, 3% said they gained respect for Apple but not AT&T, 2% said they gained respect for both companies, and only 1%—31 readers—said they gained respect for AT&T but not Apple. Another 9% said they didn’t have an opinion. Thanks for all your votes!
Our new poll focuses on iOS 4.
We’d like to know how satisfied you are with the performance of the new operating system on your device. Whether you own an iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, second-, or third-generation iPod touch, our new poll—“Are you satisfied with the performance of iOS 4 on your device?” lets you share your opinion. You can find the iLounge Poll in the left-hand column of the main iLounge.com home page.