iFixIt has posted a complete teardown of the iPhone 4, confirming a number of the device’s specs while revealing others. Notably, the device has 512MB of RAM, as had been reportedly confirmed by Apple during WWDC.
Like the iPhone 3G and 3GS, the iPhone 4 has two Phillips #00 screws on the bottom, which serve to release the rear case offering immediate access to the 3.7V 1420 mAh Li-Polymer battery. According to the teardown, the iPhone 4’s A4 processor houses a 1GHz ARM Cortex A8 core; the gyroscope is believed to be manufactured by ST Micro, and iFixIt believes Apple is the first to ship a product containing this particular part.
In addition, the iPhone 4 unit examined in the teardown contained Samsung flash memory, the same Cirrus Logic audio codec chip used in the iPad, Broadcom Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and GPS chips, and, iFixIt believes, a front glass panel made of Corning Gorilla Glass.