Apple has announced that it will launch the iPhone 4 in China on September 25. According to the release, the device will be available in Apple’s retail stores beginning at 8:00 a.m., including the new Apple Store Hong Kong Plaza in Shanghai and the new Apple Store Xidan Joy City in Beijing opening on the same day.
In Apple’s stores, the iPhone 4 will be available without a contract for CNY4,999 (roughly $744) for the 16GB model and CNY5,999 (~$893) for the 32GB model, while China Unicom will offer the phone with a new two year contract. Strangely, Apple’s off-contract prices are cheaper than Unicom’s pre-order pricing for the iPhone 4 as reported by the Wall Street Journal; it is unclear whether the prior report was inaccurate or if China Unicom is including an extra value for the higher prices.