With more than 3,300 votes from iLounge readers, our latest poll—“What do you think of the iPhone 4G prototype’s design?”—has ended. Readers were given choices ranging from great to okay, bad, or awful, with a separate option for those without an opinion on the design.
Based on the results, the new design appears to be quite popular. Nearly half of everyone that voted—49%—described the design as “great,” followed by another 34% who said it was “okay,” but hoped Apple would spend a little more time on it.
Only 6% said the design looked bad, and that they should stick with the current design, while even fewer—5%—said it was “awful,” and that Apple needed to go back to the drawing board. Another 6% said they didn’t have an opinion. Thanks for all your votes!
Our latest poll deals with iPhone OS 4.
We’d like to know whether you plan on upgrading your device, even if there’s a charge for the new software—whether it be monetary or via the loss of jailbreak capabilities. It doesn’t matter whether you have a second- or third-generation iPod touch, an iPhone 3G or 3GS, or an iPad, we want to know your stance on the issue. Our new poll, “Will you upgrade your current iPhone OS device to OS 4 if there’s a charge?” lets you answer that question.