With over 4,700 votes from iLounge readers, our most recent poll—“What are you planning on doing with your current iPhone when the next-generation iPhone is released?”—has ended. Readers were asked to indicate whether they planned on selling or trading in their current iPhone, giving it to a friend or family member, keeping it in addition to purchasing the new model, keeping their current iPhone and not buying the next-generation model at all, purchasing the new iPhone as their first iPhone or neither already owning nor planning to buy the next-generation iPhone.
Over 70 percent of respondents indicated that they planned to purchase the new iPhone, with the majority split pretty evenly between either selling/trading in their current iPhone or giving it to a family member while 13 percent of readers indicated that they were planning on keeping their current iPhone in addition to purchasing the new model and 10 percent planning to purchase their first iPhone with the new model. Twenty percent of respondents expressed no interest in upgrading their current iPhone at all, and 8 percent indicated that they neither owned an iPhone currently nor had any intention of purchasing the new one.
Our new poll focuses on Apple’s other iOS devices: the iPod touch and iPad. Would you consider buying a new iPad or iPod touch today, and if so, which device would you be most interested in purchasing? The older fourth-generation iPod touch with a 3.5” screen, the new fifth-generation iPod touch with the 4” screen, the reportedly upcoming 7.85” iPad mini or a standard full-sized iPad with the 9.7” screen? Or do you simply have no interest in the iPad or iPod touch, either because you already own an iPhone, or Apple’s iOS devices just don’t appeal to you in general? Our new poll—“Which one of the following four products would you be most likely to purchase today for your own use?” lets you answer that question.