A number of iPhone developers are running out of slots for the addition of Ad-Hoc testing devices, according to one developer’s blog posting. James Thompson, developer of PCalc, states that when he recently ran into problems deleting and adding new testing devices to his list, and contacted Apple about the problem, they replied saying, “Please know that each Standard iPhone Developer Program enrollment has a limit of 100 test devices please be aware that removing a device will not replenish the current amount available.”
He claims that although Apple’s user interface indicates that developers have 100 slots for the Universally Unique Identifiers (UUID) of testing devices, nowhere in the interface does it indicate that these 100 slots are limited in this manner.
Thompson also points out that this restriction may become huge problem for many developers, as new iPhone and iPod touch models are released: “I can’t currently add any new testers or change their device entries if they get new ones. And I can only imagine what is going to happen when the new iPhones come along, presumably next month, and lots of people get replacements.
If I bought a new iPhone for myself, I couldn’t even add it to my own list of development devices currently.”