Following iLounge’s report earlier this week, Apple has now reposted several support documents and added new ones on the iPod Camera Connector and the iPod photo 1.1 software update.
Two of the new documents reveal further interesting details of the device.
According to Apple, you can use the the Camera Connector to not only import photos, but to also transfer videos and audio (with a supported camera) to your iPod photo.
“Though you can’t view movie files on iPod photo, you can view it on your computer after you connect your iPod to your computer and transfer the file,” Apple says in one document.
“If you select the file on your iPod, you will see the following message: ‘This media file cannot be viewed or played on iPod. Use QuickTime to open this file on your computer.’” The company says you will get the same message if you try to open an imported audio file.