An image posted in our iPod touch First Look article and a subsequent edit by Apple of the iPod touch’s online information has led to widespread speculation that the company has intentionally removed features from the iPod touch’s applications. As seen in the photo below, the iPod touch’s Calendar application lacks the “Add” button found in the upper right hand corner of the iPhone’s Calendar application. This button is used to add new events to the Calendar.
Following the discovery of this omission by members of Apple’s discussion boards, Apple changed the text in the device’s Multi-touch feature description. It originally read, “And iPod touch features a touchscreen QWERTY keyboard perfect for browsing the web in Safari, searching for videos on YouTube, finding music on the iTunes Wi-Fi Music Store, entering calendar events, or adding new contacts.” It now reads: “And iPod touch features a touchscreen QWERTY keyboard perfect for browsing the web in Safari, searching for videos on YouTube, finding music on the iTunes Wi-Fi Music Store, or adding new contacts,” with the “entering calendar events” removed. Apple has yet to comment on the story.
Update: Apple has confirmed with Engadget that the iPod touch will not be able to create calendar events. “Like current iPods, the touch can only view calendar entries created on your computer,” Apple said.