With over 1,600 votes from iLounge readers, our most recent poll—“Which one of the following four products would you be most likely to purchase today for your own use?”—has ended. Readers were asked whether they would purchase a 3.5” fourth-generation iPod touch, a 4” fifth-generation iPod touch, a 7.85” smaller iPad or a 9.7” full-sized iPad, or whether they would purchase none at all, either because they already have an iPhone or simply aren’t interested in any iOS devices at all.
Over 80 percent of respondents indicated that they would purchase at least one of the devices, with about forty percent of readers opting for the 7.85” smaller iPad, 23 percent for the 9.7” full-sized iPad and 17 percent preferring the 4” fifth-generation iPod touch.
Two percent of respondents indicated that they would still prefer the 3.5” fourth-generation iPod touch, even in light of these newer devices. 20 percent of readers expressed no interest at all in the iPod touch or iPad models, with most of these people already owning an iPhone.
With pre-orders for the new iPad mini beginning today, our new poll asks whether you are ordering one or not, and why.
If you’re ordering an iPad mini or plan to, is this your first iPad device, a second iPad device, or is it replacing a full-sized iPad? If not, is it because you’re waiting for the next model, getting a full-sized iPad instead, already have another iOS device you’re happy with or are simply not interested in owning any iOS devices at all? Our new poll—“Are you ordering an iPad mini?” lets you answer that question. As always, you can find the iLounge Poll in the left-hand column of the main iLounge.com homepage. Cast your vote today!