iPodweek, iLounge’s weekly newsletter recapping the last seven days in iPod, iPhone, iTunes and Apple TV news, articles, reviews, and more, will be sent out later today. In addition to rounding up the week’s top stories, iPodweek also features giveaways and accessory discount offers from various companies. If you haven’t yet signed up to receive iPodweek, there’s still time to register and receive this week’s edition — just use the simple form below to submit your email address.
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In addition, with over 5,600 votes from iLounge readers, our latest poll, “Which missing iPhone feature would you most like to see implemented?” has ended. Readers were given a choice between copy & paste, MMS messaging, video recording, wireless iTunes syncing, Adobe Flash support, Bluetooth stereo and data, or other features.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, copy & paste was the feature most requested by iLounge readers with 30% of the vote. The results also show a strong demand for Adobe Flash support, as it received 21% of the vote, followed by MMS messaging with 18%, and a tie between video recording and wireless iTunes syncing, both of which received 10%.
Only 8% of readers felt that Bluetooth stereo and data was the feature they’d most like to see implemented, while 3% said they would rather see other improvements. Thanks to everyone who voted!
Our new poll focuses on the Apple TV. We’d like to know what you think Apple should do with the set-top box. Should they release new hardware, allowing free TV-to-iTunes recording? Officially allow apps to add more software functionality, such as streaming from Hulu and Netflix? Release a wireless game controller and support games? Kill it, and replace it with a more advanced, improved iPod dock? Or do you think it’s great as it is? The latest iLounge poll, “What should Apple do with the Apple TV?” lets you answer that question.