iPodweek, iLounge’s weekly newsletter recapping the last seven days in iPod, iPhone, iTunes and Apple TV news, articles, reviews, and more, will be sent out later today. In addition to rounding up the week’s top stories, iPodweek also features giveaways and accessory discount offers from various companies. If you haven’t yet signed up to receive iPodweek, there’s still time to register and receive this week’s edition — just use the simple form below to submit your email address.
IMPORTANT: Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo, AOL, Earthlink and others, make sure we don’t end up in your spam box. Please accept emails from iLounge.com. Thank you.
Also, don’t forget to register your vote in this week’s iLounge Poll.
We’d like to know—how’s the battery life on your primary iPod or iPhone? Our latest poll, “How would you describe your primary iPod’s or iPhone’s battery life?” lets you answer that question. As always, you can find the iLounge Poll in the left-hand section of the main iLounge.com homepage. Cast your vote today!