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What’s new in the iLounge Discussion Forums this week? In “They replaced it!”, a reader tells how Apple quickly replaced his second-generation shuffle after he couldn’t transfer MP3 files to it—and then discovered that the problem was due to a bug in iTunes 7.2. If you’ve been getting an error message that your iPod can’t play certain music, don’t junk the iPod; read this discussion in our iPod shuffle Forum.
Still trying to figure out the smartest way to rip music to your iPod? Our Digital Audio Formats Forum has plenty of discussions that will help you make a good choice, but this discussion is packed with good, practical advice.
Users seem to have settled on 192Kbps files, either in AAC or MP3 format, while others think 128Kbps AACs are plenty good for normal listening. What do you think?
In the Board Games sub-forum of our popular forum The Lounge, you’ll always find a random, non-iPod discussion worth reading. In The Post for Stuff You Just Wanna Tell People, an 108-page discussion that’s been going on since early 2004, readers have been posting about everything from playing Halo and Counter Strike to their favorite TV series and computer programs. Most readers post just a sentence or two about what they’re doing or what they think about someone else’s posts.