With over 3,500 votes from iLounge readers, our latest poll — “Following Apple’s shift to variable iTunes Store song pricing, where are you now buying your music?” has ended. Readers could choose from online download stores such as iTunes, Amazon MP3, eMusic, Wal-Mart Online, and Zune Marketplace, brick-and-mortar stores, Amazon.com for physical CDs, or say they don’t buy music.
Despite the changed prices, the iTunes Store held the top position in our poll, with 40% of readers saying they still purchase their music there.
Another 14% said they buy their music from Amazon MP3, and 6% said they purchase physical CDs from Amazon—giving the online retailer a total of 20% of reader purchases—while 8% said they get their music at a brick-and-mortar store, and 3% said they buy their music from another online retailer. Only 2% of readers said they buy their music from eMusic, followed by 1% for Zune Marketplace, and basically none—zero percent and only 15 readers—from Wal-Mart Online. Finally, a full quarter of readers—25%—said they don’t buy music at all.
Thanks for all your votes!
Our new poll focuses on iPhone data plans. We’d like to know if you would still keep your iPhone if your carrier raised its monthly data charges or placed a bandwidth cap on use. Would you keep your iPhone no matter what, only if the higher prices included tethering and/or a bandwidth cap of 5-10GB? Or would you give it up in the case of higher prices, bandwidth caps, or both? Or do you not own an iPhone? Our new poll, “Would you give up your iPhone if data charges went up, or you were subjected to bandwidth caps?” lets you answer that question.