In two separate interviews yesterday, Apple CEO Steve Jobs made comments regarding both the company’s recent dispute with NBC Universal and yesterday’s announcement of a $200 price drop on the iPhone. Speaking about NBC, Jobs said, “We hope they’ll reconsider their decisions over time and maybe find out that iTunes and iPods are a great way to digitally distribute their content to tens or maybe hundreds of millions of customers around the world.”
In an interview with USA Today‘s Jefferson Graham and Edward C.
Baig, Jobs was asked, “What do you say to customers who just bought a new iPhone for $599? Sorry?” He responded, “That’s technology. If they bought it this morning, they should go back to where they bought it and talk to them.
If they bought it a month ago, well, that’s what happens in technology.” He also responded to a question regarding iPhone manufacturing costs relative to the price drop, saying, “We’re in high-volume manufacturing, and we’re pretty good on the costs side. We’re also willing to be more aggressive… The product’s been extremely well accepted; we want to put the pedal to the metal.