Voting for our 2011 Readers’ Choice Awards is in its final days, with thousands of votes already tallied. iLounge’s Readers’ Choice Awards let you pick the year’s best from four different categories—Apple’s best new product, iPad/iPhone/iPod Accessory Developer, iOS Application Developer, and iOS Game Developer.
The iPad 2 continues to lead the Top Apple Product of 2011 category, but both the iPhone 4S and iOS 5 still have a shot at the title. Apple has widened its lead in the Application Developer of the Year category, with Skype, Adobe, Square, and Autodesk all represented well, while Griffin, Speck, LunaTik, Logitech/Ultimate Ears, iHome, and Incipio continue to battle it out in the Accessory Developer of the Year category.
Finally, Rovio has slid further back to the pack in the Game Developer of the Year category, as Electronic Arts/Firemint/Chillingo, Epic Games, Halfbrick Studios, and Gameloft are all within reach of the Angry Birds maker. Every vote counts, and there’s still time to make up ground, so if your favorite company or product is losing out, be sure to make your voice heard before it’s too late.