DOT-TUNES allows you to share any of your iTunes music tracks with others. Simply launch DOT-TUNES, select the music you’d like to share, and listen to those tracks using any web browser.
DOT-TUNES was conceived by a group of professional musicians who use their iPods for transporting their own copyright music and recordings and who wanted to be able to easily demonstrate their work to clients and to share ‘works in progress’ and other original compositions with others. Beta testers needed!
What’s new in this version:
NOW Compatible with iTunes 4.5!
Has also been synchronized with DOT-POD and DOT-PHOTOS so that all features are identical apart from serving audio files or images.
Also fixes an Authentication bug which prevented some users from registering.
This pre-release version only allows the first 10 tracks to be published and the pre-release pop up warning may be a little annoying (sorry about that) but if everything works well over the next few days beta testing we’ll upload a release with more functionality.