Marware is offering a Holiday contest where by readers are encouraged to submit a 100 word or less eassy on why they deserve a free case by Marware.
“Are you buying that special someone an iPod for Christmas? Or is that special someone you? Wouldn’t it be great if you could save yourself some extra cash by getting a FREE case? We at Marware are holding a Holiday contest.
If you can tell us in 100 words or less why you deserve a free Marware iPod case of your choice, you just might get one and the accessory of your choice. The deadline for all entries is November 24th.”
Official rules:
If these simple rules are not followed, your entry will not be eligible! After the deadline is reached we will go through all the submissions and select a winner.
If you win you’ll be contacted by December 10, 2003 and we’ll ship your case in enough time for the Holidays!! We will also post the winning submission on If you have any questions feel free to contact me. Good Luck!