Popular online finance service Mint.com has released an update to its iOS application adding the much requested ability to enter transactions directly into the app. The Mint.com app for the iPhone and iPod touch previously only allowed users to view their transactions from the Mint.com web site—new transactions had to be entered either via the web or downloaded as part of an online statement. The new feature will allow users to more easily enter cash transactions and pending expenses such as checks and credit/debit card transactions that have no yet cleared, improving budget tracking and saving users the trouble of having to sift through their receipts when they get back to their computer.
The update has also added geo-location capabilities integrated with Google Places to help match entered transactions to the point of purchase; users can simply open the app to register recent spending and choose a merchant from those found nearby. Debit and credit card transactions can be assigned to the appropriate account while cash transactions are automatically deducted from the most recent ATM withdrawal. Users can also now more easily view available and current balances along with pending transactions for each account directly from the iOS app.
Mint.com Personal Finance requires iOS 4.0 or later and is available from the App Store as a free download. A free Mint.com account is required to use the app.