Amazon has launched its new beta iPhone portal. An option to use the new interface appears when navigating to on the iPhone. [via TUAW]
A new rumor has surfaced on a BlackBerry enthusiast site claiming that AT&T is intentionally limiting GPS functionality in the upcoming BlackBerry 8820 to avoid the handset clashing with the iPhone.
Social networking site Multiply has also launched a new iPhone-optimized version of its site. The new iPhone-friendly version can be accessed by visiting
GizMac Accessories has announced its “Replace Your Case” promotion.
“Customers will receive 50% off the retail price of the Titan Clear iPod Nano case when they send GizMac a competitor’s case for a trade-in,” explained Ken Vitto, Director of Marketing for GizMac Accessories. “Simply input the code ‘Replace’ when placing an order and send your trade-in case to GizMac referencing your order number.” The promotion runs today through Aug. 31.