AT&T reported their third-quarter financial results today, crediting the iPhone for stronger-than-expected profits. AT&T reported 3.2 million iPhone activations during the third quarter with nearly 40 percent of those activations coming from new customers. [via Reuters]
Nokia announced today that it has filed a complaint against Apple alleging that the iPhone infringes on several Nokia patents for GSM, UMTS and wireless LAN standards.
The specific patents cover wireless data, speech coding, security and encryption; Nokia alleges that these are infringed by all iPhone models shipped since the original iPhone was introduced in 2007.
Volkswagen of American announced today that it has launched its new 2010 GTI in a novel way, showing the car alongside a free version of Firemint’s Real Racing that focuses on the new car. Players in the U.S.
can compete for the chance to win one of six limited-edition 2010 GTIs. The Real Racing GTI app is available from the App Store now.
MySpace is expanding into new music initiatives, including a new Artist Dashboard feature for musicians, and a free, ad-supported music video library.