Speaking in an interview with Telephony Online, AT&T Mobility vice president of technology realization Scott McElroy said that the company is currently doubling download speeds on its existing HSPA network from 3.6 megabits per second to 7.2 Mb/s, then plans a subsequent jump to 21 MB/s by adopting the more advanced HSPA+ standard. McElroy added that the company is also adding HSPA carriers at many cellsites, “on a market-by-market basis.” “We’re adding second and even third carriers according to demand. We’re also in the early phases of an 850-MHz overlay,” he said. [via Engadget]
A former Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Technology Group employee Sebastien Rubens has spoken out against the company’s handling of PSP development, saying the iPhone is currently a better system for developers.
After stating that Sony needs to work on third-party developer relations, Rubens said, “[t]he second step is to have a better SDK – iPhone’s is better. You could make things a lot easier to use, and I come from the software engineering side.” Reubens left SCEE to start Anozor, which recently published PSP game No Gravity, a PlayStation Store-only downloadable title. “After that it’s a problem of the market and deciding what it wants, including prices for downloadable games,” he said, “so people know what kind of games to make – in other words, not a GTA [Grand Theft Auto], even if PSP is technically capable of running it, because the economics don’t make it worth it. And in the submission process, [Sony’s] a bit too slow to move.”
Jason Jacobs, developer of the iPhone application RunKeeper, recently ran the Boston Marathon dressed as an iPhone with his application on the screen.
RunKeeper lets runners track distances and speeds, and according to the New York Times, it has been downloaded more than 300,000 times from the App Store. A picture of Jacobs wearing his iPhone running suit is available at the above link, while video of Jacobs participating in the event is available on the app’s website. Jacobs finished the race with a time of 4:01:20.
Marco Arment, lead developer of Tumblr and also of Instapaper, has revealed that the latest version of Instapaper has been rejected by Apple over an iPhone-like image in the app.