Apple’s new In-Ear Headphones with Remote and Mic are now available for order from the Apple Store online. Announced during Apple’s Let’s Rock event in September, the new headphones offer dual drivers, and an in-line control capsule that offers volume, play/pause, and next/previous track controls, as well as an integrated microphone. The In-Ear Headphones with Remote and Mic sell for $79.
As in years past, Apple has posted a special section of the iTunes store dedicated to the top media of 2008.
Both top sellers and editor top picks are listed for music, movies, TV shows, podcasts, music videos, audiobooks, and, for the first time, both paid and free apps. Top sellers in paid applications include Koi Pond, Moto Chaser, and Super Monkey Ball, while top free apps include Pandora Radio, Tap Tap Revenge, and Apple’s Remote application. All the top media may be viewed by visiting the iTunes 2008 section of the iTunes Store.
Gameloft has released Brothers In Arms: Hour of Heroes, a new third-person shooter for the iPhone and iPod touch.
Users play as a soldier of the 101st Airborne during WWII, performing 14 missions across three campaigns, including Normandy, Ardennes, and Tunisia. In addition to being able to use a wide range of weapons, users will also be able to drive 4×4 vehicles and Sherman tanks. Brothers In Arms: Hour of Heroes is available now from the App Store and sells for $10.
THQ Wireless has released Star Wars Sound Board, a Lucasfilm-licensed app that allows users to replay sound bites from the series.