“DVD Jon” has released PyMusique, new software that allows users to connect to the iTunes Music Store and buy songs without digital rights management (DRM) restrictions.
During the U2 induction speech to the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, Bruce Springsteen jokingly said that he wants a red, white and blue special edition “Boss” iPod.
Spymac and iStockphoto have launched a contest to give away a 60GB iPod photo to registered members of the site. To enter, you must create “the godfather of all posters for SpyStock between March 18 and April 18, 2005.”
Walt Mossberg of The Wall Street Journal, and Wilson Rothman of The New York Times have both posted comparisons between Napster To Go and the iTunes Music Store.
In addition to share music restrictions, iTunes 4.7.1 also “disallows iPhoto slideshows with embedded iTunes-purchased tracks to play when distributed to other systems.”