Apple Corps, the company representing The Beatles, has settled a $59 million dollar dispute with EMI over royalties. The suit represents another hurdle overcome in the process to take the band’s catalog online. “It seems like it is heading in that direction,” Jupiter analyst Mark Mulligan said.
“The conversation has changed from an ‘if’ to a ‘when.’”
PopXpress, the London-based iPod-only store, has closed down due to lack of profitability. The store’s web site claims that the store is moving, but reports say the store is unlikely to re-open. PopXpress opened in February 2006, and was located minutes from Apple’s Regent Street retail location.
Speck Products is holding a “Speck-tacular Spring sale,” which offers a variety of cases for under $10 — including the iPod See-Thru (60GB), the nano ToughSkin (first-generation), and the ActiveSport case for fifth-generation iPods.
iPodMods is now offering a 100GB upgrade for all fifth-generation iPod models and the Microsoft Zune. The upgrade, which includes a larger backing for 30GB iPod models, also comes with an extended-life battery.