At the 3GSM trade event in France today, Motorola unveiled a slew of new mobile phones, including the first music handset to support Apple’s iTunes. The Motoroal E1060 features a 1.3 megapixel camera for still photos or video, a VGA camera for 2-way video conferencing, Bluetooth wireless technology, and audio and video streaming with playback support for MPEG4 (AAC), WMV/WMA and MP3 files.
The phone will ship with 32MB of internal memory and is expandable up to 512MB with removable memory.
Motorola said iTunes will become the default music player on Motorola handsets, but that it won’t be an exclusive deal.
“We’re committed to have iTunes as the default music client, but we’ll also continue to support other music players such as RealPlayer (from RealNetworks),” said Amer Husaini, vice president for Motorola’s mobile devices group in Europe, the Middle East, Africa and South Asia.
The Motorola E1060 is expected to be available in the fourth-quarter of 2005.