The NBA and Apple have announced that remaining games from the 2006 NBA Playoffs will be available for purchase from the iTunes Music Store. Basketball fans will be able to download 15 to 20 minute recaps from games broadcast by all NBA networks—ABC, ESPN, TNT and NBATV—within 24 hours after games conclude.
In addition to the game recaps for Playoffs game, iTunes users will also be able to purchase complete game replays of every Finals game the day after they air on ABC. TNT Sports will also provide more than 15 episodes of “Inside the NBA on TNT” that will feature exclusive off-camera footage and interaction between Charles Barkley, Kenny Smith and Ernie Johnson.
Apple said basketball fans can choose from the following options:
2006 NBA Playoffs: Follow Your Team
Fans who purchase the “Follow Your Team” option to one of the league’s eight Conference Semfinal Playoff teams will receive full game recaps of every game the team plays from the Conference Semifinals through The Finals and a season recap video for $8.99.Inside the NBA on TNT
Fans who purchase this service will receive every episode of Inside the NBA on TNT from the Conference Semifinals through the Conference Finals including exclusive bonus segments for $8.99.The Finals
Fans who purchase a special Finals package will receive complete game replays of every game of The Finals on ABC for $5.99.