Another round of 2048×1536 iPad graphics has been found in the initial beta version of iOS 5. TechUnwrapped reports that images found in the new Twitter framework are labeled “2x”—the same designation given to similarly-oversized graphics found in iBooks in January—and are 2048×1536 in size, suggesting that a future iPad model will sport a display with quadruple the pixels of the first two generations.
An additional “2x” image has been found in Newsstand, although this particular image is 1536×800, while its normal-sized counterpart is 768×400. A move from 1024×768 to 2048×1536 would allow Apple to make a similar transition to the one it made when it moved from 480×320 displays on the iPhone and iPod touch to the Retina Display, which offers exactly quadruple the pixels at 960×640.
While many—including iLounge—were skeptical of such a display appearing in the iPad 2, Samsung has since shown a 2560×1600, 10.1-inch display prototype, suggesting that a 2048×1536 display is at least technically possible for the iPad 3, if not necessarily available in sufficient quantities to meet likely demand. [via 9 to 5 Mac]