By now, many of you may be aware of the huge power outage that occured throughout Ontario and most of the North East U.S. As I returned home last night to my unpowered apartment, I was greeted by a short 4 story climb in pitch black stairwells. Not too bad for me, but for an elderly couple, one of whome was on an oxygen machine, and carrying luggage, it could have been life threatening. So after sitting for a few minutes to review the situation and ensuring that I would help with these bags, I whipped out my iPod, turned on the backlight..
and voila! Light for everyone.
Needless to say, all were impressed, and the cool blue glow adequately lit the darkened stairwell enough for everyone to get where they were going without a problem. Not to mention easily over 8 hours of play time later that evening in an otherwise electricity free zone. Thank’s Apple, you may have saved a life.