According to reputable case vendors claiming to have knowledge of the upcoming iPhone packaging, the two new standard iPhone models expected to be introduced next month will be designated the “iPhone 8” and “iPhone 8 Plus,” rather than using the more traditional “S” designations, while the premium iPhone will be called the “iPhone Edition.” While at IFA in Berlin, 9to5Mac’s Seth Weintraub had several behind-the-scenes discussions with case makers who have heard information from Chinese manufacturing sources who claim to have seen packaging for the new iPhone models, and are certain enough fo the information that they are moving forward with preparing packaging for their own cases.
Weintraub adds that these are large and reputable case makers, “not small, fly-by-night casemaker outfits,” with brand actually carried in Apple’s retail stores.
With Apple’s new iPhones expected to be available by the end of next month, it makes sense that the company’s supply chain is now building and packaging the new devices en masse, and therefore some workers have likely seen the device packaging.
In addition to the names, sources have also heard that the iPhone Edition will support reduced-speed Qi wireless charging that will be compatible with current Qi chargers, and that all of the 2017 iPhones will continue to use Lightning connectors.