Speaking in an interview with Tech N’ Marketing, Peter Vesterbacka, CEO of Angry Birds-maker Rovio, had several complimentary things to say about Apple and its mobile gaming ecosystem. “Apple will be the number one platform for a long time from a developer perspective, they have gotten so many things right,” Vesterbacka said. “And they know what they are doing and they call the shots.
Android is growing, but it’s also growing complexity at the same time. Device fragmentation not the issue, but rather the fragmentation of the ecosystem. So many different shops, so many different models.
The carriers messing with the experience again. Open but not really open, a very Google centric ecosystem. And paid content just doesn’t work on Android.” He went on to say that Apple CEO Steve Jobs was “absolutely right” when he said there were more challenges for developers working with Android, adding that “[n]obody else will be able to build what Apple has built, there just isn’t that kind of market power out there.” [via MacDailyNews]