Apple will announce three new iPhone models this year, according to a questionable new report from China and Taiwan. There will be a 4-inch-screened iPhone 5S and a supposedly larger-screened 4.8-inch “iPhone Math” model before the end of June, while a third model with a 12-megapixel camera will arrive before Christmas, the report claims.
There have already been rumors of an iPhone 5S, as well as a new low-end iPhone model, but iPhone Math seems almost certain to be a bad translation—and the supposedly larger screen size is equally questionable. This new report also claims Apple will launch iTV before year’s end.
While the report should be taken with extra grains of salt, it’s interesting in that it is the first to suggest that Apple may have two separate iPhone release events this year, which could spook some potential early adopters into waiting. [via China Times and Commercial Times (Taiwan), as translated by Brightwire]